“Homeschooling isn’t for everyone.” An educator said this to me the other day. I smiled inside and thought, “Job security.” Though she isn’t wrong, I hear sentiments like this all.the.time.
“I could never homeschool.”
“I don’t have the patience.”
“I’m not qualified.”
“Kids learn best in school”
“Kids need socialization.”
On and on the reasons or excuses go. However, I honestly think that homeschool is for more than what choose to admit. And after walking through the last few months on this planet called Earth I am more convinced of this belief than ever before.
This isn’t a piece passing shame or judgement. Merely an observation of mine, coming from an education background and home educating my own children.
Friends, I don’t have supernatural powers. I’m not super woman. I’m not some anomaly that’s been touched by the fairy god mother of eternal patience, intelligence, and success. I’m a Mom who was called. I just couldn’t see us sending our girl to school. So I asked the question “Why not home?”
You know what? There really wasn’t a compelling rebuttal for the question.
So I started searching to see what homeschool actually looks like, Not what the media or the gossip train projects. But what real, living and breathing families do to gain their education at home. I found beautiful photos. Curriculums that drew me in. I was in awe. I was inspired. As an educator, I was impassioned again. We found something that works for us. I’m sure there’s something that’ll work for you.
I really believe there’s more of us out here than we realize, everyday families who are being called to home educate. However, for whatever reason we have assimilated to the culture and belief that to learn, children go to school. Without this institution where would we be today?! The horror. We’ve been taught that it is an essential part of being a human, when in reality we learned very suddenly that school, as an institution was, unessential.
I do not deny the purpose and the services that schools provide to an array of children and families. They are important to our communities. They are some childrens’ safe place. They give opportunities that may not have existed otherwise. Please never read my words and think that I completely disregard the important work they do.
I only write this as a mom, just like you, top knot in and wiping snot. If you aren’t ok with how this all looks? That’s ok. If you don’t want to send your kids into the unknown of a school year during their most precious and vulnerable years? That’s ok. If you want to protect them and have the hard and deep conversations around your table and at your discretion? Do it Mama. They don’t have to go to learn. They can and already do learn from you. If you don’t know where to begin but you want to? Just take a deep breath, our yourself some iced tea, and dig in.
The things that are worth doing, most generally aren’t easy.
I’ve seen a few people come to realize how this season has changed their children, their family. They’ve decided they didn’t want to go back to what was. They’ve flipped their life upside down, but it feels like it’s upside right. It’s not rainbows and sunshine all the time, sure. But what is?
I know there are more families out there that would thrive by doing life together. That would see the fruit from home education. Maybe its you, wondering how it would all look and how to even begin. This is my encouragement to you, just go for it. Figure it out. We’ve all gotten pretty good at punting lately haven’t we?
I keep having this reoccurring thought. A verse that comes to mind “For as such a time as this.” THIS could be that moment for you and your family. An opportunity.
Nobody questioned sending that tiny babe home with you just days after birth. Surely you can handle the concept of addition, or even more Mama. After all, you are entrusted with their souls.
It’s a true statement, “Homeschooling isn’t for everybody.” But I do think its for a whole lot more somebodies.
Happy learning and I’m in prayer for all of our babies navigating this time in history.
Thank you for stopping by!